INQAAHE Elections 2018: RESULTS

Over 100 organisations have participated in the INQAAHE Election 2018 for President and Board directors.

Individuals who received the highest number of valid votes for the following offices:

  • Susanna Karakhanyan, President
  • Angela Yung-Chi Hou, director
  • Salim Ahmed Khan, director
  • Karen Treloar, director
  • Erika Soboleva, director
  • Leah K. Matthews, director
  • Juan Carlos del Castillo Vázquez, director

The following nominees received the same amount of votes (in the seventh position):

  • Maria Jose Lemaitre
  • Michael Bradshaw
  • Vivek Gupta Ramnarain

This three way tie will be broken by votation during the General Assembly, to take place on 4 May 2018.



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