Call for nominations for the INQAAHE Board 2015

The terms of the current INQAAHE Board of Directors ends in March 2015. Hence INQAAHE calls for nominations for the INQAAHE Board. The election will be in two parts: namely for the President and for other Board members.

The Board of Directors manages the general affairs of the Network. The Board of Directors is composed of an elected President, an appointed Secretary, seven elected Directors, up to four co-opted Directors and the immediate Past President.

All Directors must be associated with a Full or Associate Member of the Network. At least two thirds of the Directors shall be from Full Member organisations. No two of the elected, appointed or co-opted Directors should be from the same member organisation.

Full and Associate Member organisations may submit nominations of candidates associated with Full and Associate Members of INQAAHE.

The nominees must signify their willingness to serve if elected, must indicate their interest in the position and what ideas they would bring, and must be able to dedicate adequate time to the task.

The Board’s work is mainly carried out electronically, and directors must be willing to contribute to these electronic discussions and decision-making. The amount of time varies, but directors should expect to contribute one or two hours per week.

In addition to the base work, INQAAHE has many project groups and special responsibilities, and each Board director is expected to be active in, and preferably lead, at least one of these. Directors should ensure that they have enough time to do justice to the task. This might be several hours per week at busy times for the project group.

Nominations should be accompanied by:

  •   Confirmation by nominee of agreement to serve if elected
  •   A biographical note, of the candidate, of not more than 250 words

Call for nominations 

Nomination of Board member

Nomination of INQAAHE President

Agreement to serve when elected

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