Home INQAAHE Conference 2015 – Chicago (United States of America)

INQAAHE Conference 2015 – Chicago (United States of America)

From 30 March to 3 April 2015 INQAAHE Biennial Conference CHANGING LANDSCAPE OF HIGHER EDUCATION: NEW DEMANDS ON QUALITY ASSURANCE was held in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

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All presentations are available below.


Pre-Conference Workshops

  1. INQAAHE GGP – Introduction to the changes of the revised version of the GGP, Maria José Lemaitre
  2. Internationalization, Quality Assurance of Cross-Border HE and its Challenges, Hans de Wit
  3. How to make program reviews more effective and efficient: Cluster reviews, Harald Scheuthle


  1. New demands, new responses: Quality and the emerging new diversity of Higher Education, Judith S. Eaton, CHEA President
  2. Characterizing Institutional Diversity: Variation Between and Within Higher Education Institutions, Alexander C. McCormick, Indiana University Bloomington
  3. Comparing Business Student Performance between Public and Private Institutions of Higher Education, Olin Edekoven and Alimaa Jamiyansuren, Peregrine Academic Services
  4. Diversity and External Quality Assurance in the Jamaican Context, Yvonnette Marshall, University Council of Jamaica
  5. Diversity and its discontents: how UK quality assurance engages with multiple diversities, Anthony McClaran, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
  6. ACODE Benchmarks for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL): Findings from a 24 university benchmarking exercise regarding the benchmarks’ fitness for purpose and capacity to generate useful quality assurance information, Fernando Padro, University of Southern Queensland
  7. Diversity in the Classroom – Generational Cohorts and Their Impact on the Quality of Higher Education Learning Processes in the 21st Century, Carlos Tasso Eira De Aquino, School of Advanced Studies – University of Phoenix
  8. Handling diversity in a uniform system of external quality assurance – Danish experiences, David Metz and Rikke Warming, The Danish Accreditation Institution
  9. Optimizing teaching and research in the environment of increased and diverse demand for graduate education: Perspectives from Universities of Makerere, Ghana and Cambridge, Euzobia M. Mugisha Baine, Makerere University
  10. The Changing Role of Quality Assurance Agencies in East Asia in Response to Low Fertility Rate: Taiwan Experience, Jong-Tsun Huang Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan


  1. Quality Assurance and the issues arising from the increased diversity of HEI: How can QA make sense of diversity?, Antony Stella, QA Expert
  2. Accommodating diversity: developing an institutional accreditation system for the higher education sector in Oman, Tess Goodliffe, Susan Trevor-Roper and Fakhriya Al Habsi, Oman Academic Accreditation Authority
  3. Demands on Quality Assurance: Complementary measures to enhance quality of higher education provisions, Eisa Ali Hasan Al Matroushi and Susanna Karakhanyan, Abu Dhabi Education Council
  4. Developing National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF)s: A Case Study of the NQF in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Jawaher Al Mudhahki, National Authority For Qualifications And Quality Assurance of Education and Training (QQA)
  5. Self-Assessment: A Catalyst for Change for the East African Higher Education Landscape, Tashmin Khamis, Aga Khan University
  6. Strengthened QA Mechanisms to Address Increased Complexities of Higher Education Landscape In Ethiopia: Strategic Partnership Between HERQA & Development Partners, Daniel Dejene Birhanu Zerihun G and Michael Jhpiego Ethiopia, Tesfaye Teshome, Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency
  7. The impact of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education on alternative providers of higher education, Harriet Barnes, Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Martin Lockett, Ashridge Business School
  8. The Newly Launched Self-Accreditation System in Taiwan and Its Impact on Internal Quality Assurance of Institutions, Karen Hui-Jung Chen, National Taipei University of Education, Angela Yung-Chi Hou, Fu-Jen University
  9. The Paradigm Shifts in HE and QA – From Teaching to Learning in relation to mission and policy of the HEI, Lucien Bollaert, NVAO
  10. Developing National Accreditation and Quality Improvement Standards for Health Professionals Education: Lever for Quality Assurance, Zerihun Wolde Gebremichael, Jhpiego


  1. Quality Assurance and Internationalization: Trends, challenges and opportunities, Hans de Wit, Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation at the Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore
  2. Quality Skills. The global currency in the knowledge society, David Atchoarena, UNESCO Director of Division for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems
  3. A Study on International Collaborative Programs between Japan and Asian Countries: Importance of Developing a Checklist, Kim Sounghee, National Institution for Academic Degrees and University Evaluation
  4. Meeting the Demand for International Accreditation and Quality Assurance for Institutions of Higher Education, Chet Haskell, Independent Consultant
  5. Promoting Cross Border Higher Education Collaborations: A Linking-MED-GULF project perspective, Ashwin John Kalliath and Kiran Gopakumar Rajalekshmi, Middle East College
  6. Quality Assurance of Cross-border Higher Education (QACHE) – Perspectives from Asia Pacific Region, Jagannath Patil, NAAC and APQN
  7. International Quality Reviews with an EQAR-registered Agency, Melinda Szabo and Colin Tuck, EQAR
  8. The Opportunities and Challenges of Transnational Quality Assurance, Ralph Wolff, Ralph Wolff & Associates, Denise DeZolt, Laureate Education, and William Plater, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)
  9. The Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education in Europe and Asia: The Role of Recognition Bodies and Quality Assurance Agencies, Angela Yung Chi Hou, Fu Jen Catholic University/HEEACT, Martin Ince, Association of British Science Writers Karen Chen, National Taipei University of Education/HEEACT
  10. Assessing the Quality of Internationalization, Axel Aerden, NVAO
  11. Fostering global learning within higher education: What are we doing? Is it working? , Judith A. Smrha, Baker University


  1. Quality Assurance of Quality Assurers, Sofiane Sahraoui, President of the Arab Governance Institute, Bahrain
  2. Establishment of Evaluation and Quality Assurance of the University Performance program, King Abdulaziz University (EQAUP-KAU); rationale and impact, Alia M. A. Aldahlawi and Amal Mohammed Sindi, King Abdulaziz University
  3. Impact Evaluation of Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Methodology, Design and Results, Harald Scheuthle and Theodor Leiber, evalag
  4. Internal quality assurance and system-wide analysis – tools for learning and development, Magnus Johansson and Henrik Holmquist, Swedish Higher Education Authority
  5. Quality Management Theory and Assessing Student Learning Outcomes in Higher Education, Steven Parscale, Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
  6. The Impact of Quality Assurance Mechanisms on Curriculum Development at Ontario Universities, Qin Liu, University of Toronto
  7. The perceived impact of external evaluation: The organization versus the individual Riin Seema and Maiki Udam Archimedes SA EKKA


Mar 30 2015 - Apr 03 2015


All Day

Local Time

  • Timezone: Europe/Paris
  • Date: Mar 30 2015 - Apr 03 2015
  • Time: All Day
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